jueves, marzo 26, 2015

Where Are They Now? The Fate of Bowe Bergdahl's Taliban Five

At least three of five Taliban fighters swapped for the freedom of Bowe Bergdahl, a Taliban captive now being charged with desertion, are reportedly actively making efforts to join the terrorist cause once again.

Catherine Herridge of Fox News decided to check up on them after news of Bergdahl’s desertion charges broke. It turns out that according to an unnamed government source, at least three of the Taliban 5 have “tried to plug back into their old terror networks.”
Evidently, one of them came much closer to successfully advising his old chums in the “armed insurgency” (as Obama decided to describe the Taliban’s terror war against American troops, while trying to mask the stench of the Bergdahl deal) than the other two, placing a few long-distance phone calls to fellow militants.
It is believed they will have an easier time plugging back in after their probation in Qatar expires, just two months from now. “The director of the Defense Intelligence Agency recently told Congress that, after that expiration, all his officers can do is warn the U.S. government if the men return to the battlefield,” Herridge reports.
The Obama administration took pains to assure everyone that “mere communication with individuals or organizations” does not count as engagement to the Office of the Director of National Intelligence, at least not until the “motives, intentions, and purposes of each communication are taken into account.”
These battlefield enemies of America are receiving “royal treatment” in Qatar, according to International Business Times. They were feeling “homesick,” so each of the superstar ex-detainees was allowed to bring five Taliban families to Doha to attend their needs. Despite these posh accommodations, at least two of the Taliban 5 are said to be eager to return to battlefield service in Afghanistan.
Senator Kelly Ayotte (R-NH) wrote a letter to Secretary of Defense Ashton Carter on Wednesday, asking the Pentagon to take steps to ensure that none of the Taliban 5 return to the battlefield after their travel ban from Qatar expires on June 1. “No American should ever have to confront a former Guantanamo detainee on the battlefield,” wrote Ayotte. “Based on disturbing public reports regarding the Taliban 5, I am concerned that the administration is not doing enough to prevent that from happening.”

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