lunes, marzo 30, 2015

Jurassic Marijuana Plant Brought Back To Life After 200 Million Years

marijuana-800A French team of scientists from the University of Paris fell upon an unlikely find when they gathered remnants of plant material buried deep into the permafrost of Antarctica in 2013. To their surprise, the recovered plant material contained intact seeds, but it is only months later that a team of paleobotanists took up the challenge of reviving the 200 million-year old plant and, to their own disbelief, succeeded.
It is not the first time an extinct plant has been brought back to life since a specimen of Silene stenophylla, a plant that has been extinct for over 30,000 years, was just brought back into existence in 2012 by Russian scientists, but it is definitely an incredible find as is thought to be of the Jurassic period, possibly estimated to be 200 million-years old.
It is also a mystery that tropical plants could have managed to grow on the Antarctica continent 200 million-years ago and the experiment could bring to light vital information about atmospheric conditions on Earth at the time, such as levels of oxygen and carbon dioxide (CO2).
The obvious question on most minds: how potent is this strain of Cannabis? One researcher did sample the plant and measurements said one hit is the equivalent of smoking four ounces of a normal strain of cannabis.
While it’s an important discovery, many are worried the ancient strain could get out of the lab and into the hands of marijuana growers.
The lab said while the drug will leave the user catatonic for two to five days, there is absolutely no risk of overdoes and the researches promise they will do everything within their power to keep the plants secure.

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