sábado, marzo 14, 2015

Google Ventures' Bill Maris Investing in Idea of Living to 500

Bloomberg Business
Bill Maris has $425 million to invest this year, and the freedom to invest it however he wants. He's looking for companies that will slow aging, reverse disease, and extend life. 

Maris' interview:
  • Google Ventures' Bill Maris said he thinks humans can live to 500 years old
  • This will be due to medical breakthroughs and a rise in biomechanics
  • Google's director of engineering Ray Kurzweil previously said we'd be uploading our brains to machines by 2045
  • Google Ventures has invested in genetics firms and cancer startups
  • Tech giant also set up Calico - anti-ageing research and development labs
  • Mr Maris said: 'We have the tools to achieve anything that you have the audacity to envision. I just hope to live long enough not to die'
  • But professor Sir Colin Blakemore believes there's a limit on human life
  • Neurobiologist believes 120 years ‘might be an absolute to human lifespan’
  • This is because living for longer is ‘so rarely exceeded’ that even with medical advances, it is unlikely this threshold will be raised 

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