jueves, febrero 12, 2015

Cuba en el lugar 169 entre 180 países en Libertad de Prensa 2015 - Reporteros Sin Fronteras

buen material de analisis y reflexion para diaz-canel, quien por estos dias anda dando conferencias magistrales por toda la isla sobre politica informativa.
World Press Freedom
Freedom of information is extremely limited in Cuba, which is ranked lower in the index than any other country in the Americas. The government tolerates no independent press. Internet access is restricted and tightly controlled. The authorities continue to cite the US embargo as the reason for the low Internet penetration but the activation of Cuba’s ALBA-1 fibre-optic cable with Venezuela proves that it has more to do with a political desire to control the Internet. In addition to the lack of media pluralism, outspoken journalists and bloggers are still subjected to threats, smears, arrest and arbitrary detention. Does the announcement by Cuba and the United States of an historic agreement to restore diplomatic relations offer a ray of hope for Cuban journalists?

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