miércoles, febrero 18, 2015

Apple autorizado a vender productos a Cuba [y que?]

que apple este autorizado por la white house via el dpto del tesoro a vender productos a cuba carece de importancia sino se abren franquicias directas de la corporacion en la isla, pues el regimen ejercera el monopolio sobre las importaciones y revendera en los casos que les convenga los productos a la poblacion a los exorbitantes precios acostumbrados. 


On January 16, 2015, BIS amended the Export Administration Regulations to create a new license exception Support For The Cuban People (SCP) and to authorize sales of the certain items covered under license exception Consumer Communication Devices (CCD). OFAC also published amendments to the Cuban Asset Control Regulations (CACR) authorizing export and reexports of items authorized for exports by BIS. License exceptions SCP and CCD enumerate certain categories authorized for export to non-prohibited end-users and end-uses in Cuba. Some Apple goods and Apple software fall into these categories. For scope and further details, see Cuba specific guidance on BIS website available at http://www.bis.doc.gov/index.php/policy-guidance/country-guidance/sanctioned-destinations/cuba and OFAC's Cuba Sanctions Resource  Center available at http://www.treasury.gov/resource-center/sanctions/Programs/pages/cuba.aspx.

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