martes, enero 20, 2015

Russian Spy Ship Arrives in Havana Ahead of U.S. Delegation
According to CNN's Patrick Oppmann and AFP's Laurent Thomet (see below), a Russian spy ship has arrived in Havana this morning.

The timing is particularly odd, as a U.S. delegation led by Assistant Secretary of State for the Western Hemisphere, Roberta Jacobson, arrives in Havana tomorrow to begin talks on the normalization of diplomatic relations with Cuba's regime.

Moreover, there hasn't been any announcement in Cuban state media regarding the Russian ship's visit.

Surely this is not an "act of good faith" by the Castro regime.
Happening now: a Russian spy has arrived in Havana, #Cuba.
— Patrick Oppmann CNN (@CNN_Oppmann) January 20, 2015
Russian ship marked CCB-175 arrives in Havana on eve of historic US-Cuba talks. Hmmmm
— Laurent Thomet (@LThometAFP) January 20, 2015

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