miércoles, enero 28, 2015

Cuban rapper sentenced to 1 year in prison

El Dkano
Capitol Hill Cubans has another example of how Cuba uses its Orwellian laws to declare someone to be a "pre-criminal social danger":
Today, the Castro regime handed rapper, Maikel Oksobo (known as "El Dkano"), an arbitrary one-year prison sentence.

He was sentenced under a draconian charge known as "peligrosidad predelictiva" ("dangerousness likely leading to a crime"), which is used to imprison dissidents for long terms.

As part of the Obama-Castro deal of December 17th, another imprisoned rapper, Angel Yunier Remon ("El Critico") was recently released.

However, he has now been replaced in Castro's "revolving-door" of political prisoners by another dissident rapper.

Meanwhile, Cuban artist Danilo Maldonado ("El Sexto") remains imprisoned since Christmas Day and is currently in poor health, battling pneumonia in the Valle Grande Prison.

The Obama-Castro deal is clearly a farce-a-minute.

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