jueves, enero 29, 2015

Cuba Remains World's Second Least-Free Economy

According to the 2015 Index of Economic Freedom, which was released today, Cuba remains the world's second least-free economy.

Cuba ranked 177 out of 178 in the world. Only North Korea is less free.

The Index of Economic Freedom is an annual guide published by The Wall Street Journal and The Heritage Foundation.

The reason for Cuba's dismal placement is the Castro regime's insistence on monopolizing all foreign trade and investment, and the lack of a rule of law.

So why isn't U.S. Commerce Secretary Penny Pritzker leading a trade delegation to Zimbabwe, which is two-notches freer than Cuba?

Why isn't the U.S. Chamber of Commerce forming a Working Group for Iran, which is six-notches freer than Cuba?

Or how about a U.S. Agriculture Coalition for Belarus, which is fourteen-notches freer than Cuba?

Rather, why are the Obama Administration and its agri-business allies so intent on financing Castro's brutal, monopolistic dictatorship?
Read more about Cuba Economy.
        See more from the 2015 Index.


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