martes, noviembre 04, 2014

Political Arrests Nearly Quadruple in Cuba

The Cuban Commission for Human Rights (CCHR) has documented 413 political arrests by the Castro regime during the month of October 2014.

This bring the total number of political arrests during the first ten months of this year to 8,012.

In just ten months, these 8,012 political arrests nearly quadruple the year-long tally of 2,074 political arrests in 2010.

To provide further perspective, since the Obama Administration began its efforts in 2009 to unilaterally ease sanctions and engage Castro's dictatorship, political arrests have nearly quadrupled -- and at this monthly rate, will more than quadruple by year's end.

The Castro regime clearly feels it's enjoying a high-level of impunity.

After all, despite its dramatic rise in repression, some still want to reward it with even greater sanctions relief.

It's a win-win for Cuba's dictatorship.

These are only political arrests that have been thoroughly documented. Many more are suspected.

More "reform" you can't believe in.

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