sábado, noviembre 15, 2014

Police Raid Odebrecht's Offices Amid Corruption Probe

What else can be said about the Brazilian engineering company, Odebrecht?

It partners with the world's most vile dictators, i.e. Castro and Gaddafi.

It engages in human trafficking and slave labor practices in Africa.

It allowed (or turned a blind-eye to) the smuggling of illegal arms through the Port it was building -- in conjunction with Cuba's military -- in Mariel.

It's notorious for cost-overruns in its U.S. projects.

It's currently involved in a multi-billion dollar corruption probe in Brazil.

And yet, some Miami-Dade County politicians and lobbyists want to continue irresponsibly handing it our community's taxpayer dollars.

Go figure.

From Reuters:

Petrobras ex-director arrested, shares sink amid graft scandal

Brazilian police arrested a former Petrobras executive on Friday and the state-run oil giant's shares sank 5 percent after it was forced by a widening corruption scandal to delay the release of its financial results.

Former engineering director Renato Duque was the second senior Petrobras executive arrested in the investigation into a money laundering and bribery scheme that allegedly skimmed billions of dollars off contracts and into the pockets of politicians.

Police also raided the offices of leading construction and engineering firms, including Odebrecht and Mendes Junior. There, they seized potentially incriminating documents and arrested 18 people suspected of involvement in the graft scheme.

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