miércoles, octubre 22, 2014

Are Cuba's Political Prisoners Not Newsworthy?

Last week, a young Cuban rapper, Angel Yunier Remon "El Critico", was handed a 6-year prison sentence for his opposition to Castro's regime.

Angel Yunier had been imprisoned since March 21st, 2013, without "trial" or charges.

He is now on a hunger strike protesting his unjust sentence.

Also handed sentences were democracy activists:
Alexander Otero Rodriguez, to a five-year prison term;
Rudisnei Villavicencio Figueredo, to a four-year prison term; and
Yohannes Arce Sarmiento, to a three-year prison term.
This week, Sonia Garro, a member of Cuba's Ladies in White, who has been imprisoned since March 18th, 2012, without "trial" or charges, had her "trial" indefinitely postponed again.

Obviously, you won't hear about these political prisoners from The New York Times' Editorial Board.

But more egregiously -- why haven't any foreign journalists in Cuba covered this tragic story?

Perhaps they're too caught up in Castro's Ebola propaganda.


Yet, the AP took time this week to run two fascinating stories on "glossy cars" and "children wrestling" in Cuba.

Are cars and wrestling more newsworthy than the harrowing repression and sacrifice of Cuba's courageous democracy activists?

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