domingo, septiembre 28, 2014

UFC: El cubano Yoel Romero TKO-3 Tim Kennedy

Round 1: Big John McCarthy makes his return to Nevada, and he's the third man for this middleweight bout. They touch them up. Southpaw stance for Romero. Body kick from Kennedy, just a feel out. He back-pedals and resets. Romero tris a kick and Kennedy catches his foot, twists him to the fence. Kennedy with a high kick. Left hand from Romero lands, and Kennedy circles. Now another one, and that one hurt more. Kennedy is bleeding from nose. Romero hunching forward, and looking to further that advantage. Big body shot sends Kennedy rolling back, but Kennedy still plunging ahead cautiously looking for an opening. Punch to the thigh. Now a big leg kick from Romero. Straight left hits home from Romero. It's all Romero right now, big strikes that are landing. Now Kennedy, on cue, shoots for a takedown, gets it, then Romero gets up and takes Kennedy down! Now they get right back up; great example of the type of wrestling on display in this fight. Scrambles are going to be interesting. Blood gushing from Kennedy's face; he seems not to be picking up the speed by Romero. The Cuban rushes in and tackles Kennedy violently at the middle of the cage, but Kennedy once again able to get back up. Kennedy looks to land a knee, but doesn't deploy. Now Kennedy lunges forward with a combo, but nothing much got through flush. MMA Fighting scores R1 for Romero, 10-9.

Round 2: Greg Jackson wants Kennedy to set up his combinations better. They touch them up, and Kennedy swings high but Romero ducks under it. Big high kick from Romero, and that caught Kennedy's forearms. Body kick from Kennedy, and Romero returns with a left. Head kick from Romero now. Kennedy having a very hard time getting Romero's timing down. He can't get inside, either. Romero keeping it at his range, and right as I say that Kennedy drives a big kick into his body. That angered Romero enough to club him on the head with his left. Kennedy comes charging in with a right-left, and those got in. Another lunging overhand right, and that glanced off the top of Romero's head. The Cuban has been quick; deceptively quick, given how massive he looks. It does look like he is huffing air though. Kennedy is a little wobbly, and he ties up at center, and after getting tossed down, they scramble. Now Kennedy grabs Romero's neck, and tries for the guillotine! Can't get it, though, too slick from sweat. They stand up and trade body shots. Spinning back fist from Kennedy lands, but he gets dropped with a left. He stands back up, very unsure on his feet, and Romero drives him backwards into fence, where he is bullying. Still, Kennedy sticking him with acute elbows in tight, which aren't deterring Romero much. He is definitely tired, is Romero, and Kennedy lands a kick to the body on the separation. Then Kennedy lands a huge uppercut! And another! Wow, he is hurt! Late in the round Kennedy comes forward landing bombs and Romero is staggering backwards! But the bell rings and saves him! MMA Fighting scores R2 for Kennedy, 10-9 (19-19 overall)

Round 3:
Romero took an extra 30 seconds between rounds, and McCarthy had to throw the stool out. Romero lands a huge shot and Kennedy goes flailing! Now Romero, who was dead on his feet, comes to life! He is landing huge shots on Kennedy, one after another. Kennedy in real trouble here. Romero on top, and Kennedy bleeding profusely. A couple of more shots from Romero and it's over! McCarthy steps in. It was a pushkick and then a left hand that started the trouble. Then Romero came in and just blasted Kennedy with shot after shot. After taking some of those on the ground, he rolled over in a bloody heap, and McCarthy had seen enough. Wow.
UFC 178 official results: Yoel Romero def. Tim Kennedy via TKO (strikes) at :58 of R3

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