miércoles, junio 11, 2014

Canadian family discovers how “very sinister” Castrogonia can be

Babalú Blog
Mr. Gigel Tonea
Canadians are the world's biggest supporters of the Castro regime.
Every year, they flock to the slave plantation resorts by the hundreds of thousands and make up about one half of the total number of tourists.
These tourists could not care less about human rights issues.  Obviously, they consider Cubans inferior beings lacking in the same human dignity as Canadians, and they care nothing about the abuses suffered by the enslaved  Cubans who wait on them hand and foot.
Every now and then, however, a story surfaces in the Canadian news media about some Canadian family that ends up being treated like Cuban natives.
When this happens, the Canadians involved howl in protest. "How can they treat us like this?, " they ask.
Sad as all these stories are -- and natural as it is to feel compassion for these Canadians -- one cannot help but wonder why these true life accounts do nothing to stem the flow of tourists to the island.
Will they ever admit how wrong they are?  Will they ever mount a campaign to shun this tourist destination?
Don't hold your breath.
This story involves a death and the cruel twists and turns experienced by the dead man's family.  Read on.  But also add this detail, missing from the news story: when foreigners die in Castrogonia, their loved ones are charged exorbitant fees for the handling of the corpse.  It's one of the cruelest means of extortion practiced by the Castronoids, yet that gross detail hardly ever surfaces in any of these news stories.
....And... don't even ask what has happened to the other tourist who killed this Canadian with his rented speedboat.
From Metro:
Toronto man’s death by speedboat in Cuba shrouded in secrecy
Sitting on the shore of Cuba’s Santa Lucia beach last month, Anca Tonea could see a speedboat stopped in the bright blue waters, close to the reef where her husband, Gigel, was snorkeling.
When she saw a passenger lift a man out of the water, Tonea knew something wasn’t right. The man’s flippered feet, she says, were dangling off the side of the boat, lifeless.
Tonea watched the boat speed away, and when her husband failed to return to the beach, she knew it had been his body hoisted aboard.
After a chaotic few hours seeking answers — Where was her husband taken? Could she see him? How was he doing? — she says she was brought to the hotel lobby, where a resort employee delivered the devastating news.
Gigel, a vibrant 66-year-old dental technician and father of three, was dead.
The Toronto man’s grieving family is now left with questions about what led to Gigel’s death and reeling from the way they say Anca was treated.
The Toneas say Cuban officials did not allow Anca to see her husband’s body, asked her to identify him using just the mass-produced flippers he had brought from Toronto, and — most painfully — failed to inform her of the cause of death while she was still in Cuba. Until she arrived in Toronto the following day, Anca says, she believed Gigel had suffered a stroke or gone into cardiac arrest in the water.
It wasn’t until her three kids used Google to translate the Spanish police report, they say, that they learned he was run over by a speedboat while snorkeling.
“It was the word ‘propeller’ that told us,” said her eldest, Alexander Dandy, referring to a Cuban police report that says Gigel suffered fatal injuries to his head and back after being struck by the boat. “The idea that she left Cuba without knowing how he died, that’s very sinister.”
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