domingo, abril 27, 2014

Lech Walesa: "What was missing in Cuba was the leadership of dissident organizations"
But we were totally amazed seeing them do these things and we had to come to realize that they couldn’t be true communists, and we were no longer scared of them. We had a Holy Father calling us to pray, of course, but on that occasion we didn’t realize we were so many [who prayed]. Previously, we had heard there were few opponents to the regime and suddenly we realized there really were very few communists. Had it not been the Holy Father we would never have integrated, we would never have been able to realize we were so many. And once we suddenly saw how many we were, that really gave us confidence. Also the dissident movement already in existence in Poland, although not very big, was able to lead those crowds towards victory.

But let us not forget that a similar thing happened in Cuba, that the same Holy Father went to Cuba after our victory had been won. He even worked harder there and yet Cuba remains a communist regime. Quite simply, what was missing in Cuba was the leadership of dissident organizations which could lead the nation. This is quite amazing because Cuba is so close to the United States, and the fact that the regime still persists there, makes us suspect that maybe the United States wants to keep Cuba as a “Jurassic park of communism” and that’s why it’s still there, because otherwise it’s impossible that it is still there.

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