jueves, abril 24, 2014

Aborted Babies Burned for Electric Power in USA

A shocking admission from authorities in Victoria, British Columbia reveals that the remains of aborted babies are disposed of in the US and sent to a facility that burns waste to provide electric power for Oregon residents.

According to LifeSiteNews, The British Columbia Health Ministry confirmed that biomedical waste is shipped to the U.S. for destruction. Such waste includes "human tissue, such as surgically removed cancerous tissue, amputated limbs, and fetal tissue."
"Kristan Mitchell, executive director of the Oregon Refuse and Recycling Association, told the B.C. Catholic that the 'biomedical waste' likely ends up at the Covanta Marion waste-to-energy facility in Oregon since it is the only facility that uses waste to power the grid," LifeSiteNews reports.
The Oregon Refuse and Recycling Association also confirmed the reports.
The facility reportedly burns 800 tons of medical waste a year, turning it into electric power for homes and businesses.
This new report comes only a month after it was revealed that 15,500 aborted babies were incinerated to provide power for Britain's NHS hospitals.

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