martes, marzo 11, 2014

UN Human Rights Commissioner Meets Cuban Spy
Radio Cadena Agramonte has reported that UN Deputy High Commissioner for Human Rights, Flavia Pansieri, met in Geneva with “former” Directorate of Intelligence (DI) officer Adriana Pérez. She is the wife of Gerardo Hernández, the Military Intelligence officer “loaned” to the DI to run the Wasp Network. It was under his supervision that the massive spy network conducted Operation Scorpion. This mission supported the Cuban Air Force’s murder of four search and rescue crewmen flying with Brothers to the Rescue.
During yesterday’s meeting, the "former" spy asked the UN to urge Washington to release Havana’s three remaining jailed spies. She also told the UN official that her husband and the others, physically and mentally, are not doing well in prison. Speaking for myself, that’s probably something they should have considered before they spied against the US and engaged in a conspiracy to commit murder.
Editor’s Note: Hernández’s wife, Adriana Pérez O’Connor, was still in training as a Directorate of Intelligence (DI) asset when the Wasp Network (La Red Avispa) was brought down in September 1998. She and her children were deported and permanently banned re-entry visas. Her mission had been to courier messages and material between Havana and Miami.

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