lunes, febrero 03, 2014

U.S. Secretary Of State Hints That Israel May Face Boycotts If It Does Not Reach A Peace Deal With The Palestinians

JERUSALEM — As U.S. mediated Middle East peace talks enter their seventh month, mounting tensions have emerged between Israel and Washington.

Israeli officials are furious after Secretary of State John Kerry warned that if peace talks with the Palestinians fail, Israel could face growing international boycotts. Kerry was speaking at a security conference in Munich.

“You see for Israel there is an increasing deligitimization campaign that has been building up. People are very sensitive to it," said Kerry. "There are talk of boycotts and other kinds of things. Are we all going to better with all of that?”

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More News On Reaction To Comments By U.S. Secretary Of State Kerry that Israel May Face Boycotts If It Does Not Reach A Peace Deal With The Palestinians

Israeli leaders cry foul over Kerry’s boycott warning -- Washington Post
Israeli minister attacks Kerry over boycott warnings -- Reuters
John Kerry labelled 'anti Semite' for warning of possible boycott of Israel -- The Telegraph
Netanyahu Criticizes Kerry Over Boycott Remarks -- New York Times
US, Israel in spat over Kerry's 'boycott' remarks -- France 24
Israeli premier brushes off Kerry boycott warning -- Washington Post/AP
U.S. responds to Israeli criticism: Don't misrepresent Kerry's remarks -- Haaretz
US warns Israel over apparent distortion of John Kerry statements -- The Guardian

My Comment: A poor choice of words from the U.S. Secretary. But the Israelis are not the only ones who are upset with John Kerry .... apparently the Palestinians now want Kerry be prosecuted by the ICC for 'threatening' Abbas.

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