lunes, febrero 03, 2014

Real-life castaway? Man tells incredible tale after washing up on Pacific island

Courtesy Tony de Brum
A man, center, washed up on the shore of the Marshall Islands claiming that he spent 16 months lost at sea.
The man who washed up on the Marshall Islands in the Pacific with a tale of being lost at sea for more than a year told authorities that he left Mexico on a fishing trip, was blown off course after his engine died and watched his traveling companion starve to death.
The castaway, who identified himself as Jose Salvador Alvarenga, was questioned Monday by police and told them an incredible story: He drifted 6,000 miles in a 24-foot boat, surviving on fish, birds, turtles, rainwater, urine -- and prayers.
Officials said they have not yet confirmed his account. The man could not recall his own birth date, provided some conflicting information about when he left Mexico, and could not explain why there was no fishing gear on the battered vessel.
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