viernes, febrero 14, 2014

Odebrecht's Cuba Port at Center of Illegal Weapons Smuggling

A U.N. Panel of Experts has just submitted its findings to the Security Council's Sanctions Committee, which shows that Cuban weapons systems were loaded onto a North Korean ship at the Port of Mariel on June 20, 2013.

This has been determined to be a violation of international sanctions.

On June 22nd, the ship then sailed to Puerto Padre, where it sought to conceal the weapons with 10,000 tons of sugar. And on July 5th, it departed towards the Panama Canal, where it was intercepted, en route to Nampo, North Korea.

The U.N. Panel also determined that there was a "comprehensive planned strategy to conceal the existence and nature of the cargo."

The ship's automatic identification system was turned off to hide its stop at the Port of Mariel. Moreover, while the logs showed multiple ports of call, they omitted the Mariel stop.

This is the same Mariel port that the Brazilian conglomerate, Odebrecht, has been expanding (since 2011) in partnership with Castro's military.

In other words, this Cuba-North Korea weapons transfer occurred right under Odebrecht's nose (at best).

So not only is Odebrecht cooperating with a brutal dictatorship, but it's facilitating its illegal activities.

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