jueves, febrero 20, 2014

Escapa de Cuba un emigrante cubano en tabla de surf y 2 desaparecen antes de llegar a Key West

The Associated Press
Officials say three migrants left Cuba to windsurf across the Florida Straits. But only one completed the journey, reaching Key West after a 9 ½-hour journey.
Twenty-four-year-old Henry Hugo Vergara Negrin told police he lost sight of the other two approximately 60 miles south of Key West. He says they left Jibacoa, Cuba, on Tuesday morning.
The Coast Guard told the Key West Citizen (http://bit.ly/1h0rwWn) it is searching the water and areas along the Key West shoreline in case they reached shore elsewhere.
Negrin reached the private beach outside of The Reach, a Waldorf Astoria Resort. Police say he was exhausted, shivering and had blistered hands. He was treated at Lower Keys Medical Center, taken into custody by U.S. Custom and Border Patrol agents and eventually released.

Read more here: http://www.miamiherald.com/2014/02/20/3948379/2-cuban-migrants-lost-windsurfing.html#storylink=cpy

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