viernes, febrero 28, 2014

Cuba: Grave riesgo para la salud humana quesos altamente contaminados - Investigacion

CAB Direct
Authors: Martínez, A.; Villoch, A.; Ribot, A.; Ponce, P.
Journal: Revista de Salud Animal 2013 Vol. 35 No. 3 pp. 210-213

Quality and safety of fresh artisan cheeses from three regions of a Cuban province were evaluated. A total of 73 samples collected at random was analyzed. Fat, protein and lactose components, percent of humidity, content of total solids and salts were determined by means of the FoodScanLab®. The count of total microorganisms, total coliforms, Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus as well as fungi and yeasts was carried out by means of badges Rida Count (R-Biopharm®). The determination of Salmonella spp., Escherichia coli O157 and Listeria monocytogenes was made by isolation in selective culture media. The content of humidity was above 36%, while fat and protein values were superior to the 30% and 20% respectively. The count of microorganisms at 30°C and total coliforms were superior to 5×103 UFC/g and 5×102 UFC/g in all the areas analyzed. The content of Staphylococcus positive coagulase was above 1×103 UFC/g and the count of Escherichia coli showed values superior to 1×103 UFC/g. The count of fungi and yeasts showed values superior to 5×103 UFC/g. The 19% of the analyzed samples was positive to the presence of Salmonella spp. and the 14% for Escherichia coli O157. The results demonstrated that the nutritional quality of cheeses was in correspondence with that established in the legislation regarding fresh cheeses approved in the Latino-american region, while the microbiology deterioration can be associated to the hygienic sanitary problems due to contamination with pathogenic bacteria such as Salmonella spp., evidencing the faulty quality and safety of the fresh cheeses analyzed.

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