martes, febrero 18, 2014

Castro Rejects US Banking Solution, Opts for Blackmail

The State Department has helped the Castro regime identify a solution for its current .S. banking dilemma.

Yet, the Castro regime has rejected it, opting for blackmail instead.

According to a State Department spokesperson:

"[W]e had helped the Mission identify a workable solution to its consular fee-processing needs with ample time for its implementation. That the Cuban Interests Section has not effectively pursued this option will result in hardship to Cuban and U.S. citizen travelers alike."

The Castro regime has rejected State's solution in order to give its lobbyists in the U.S. time to mount a campaign against its inclusion in the "state-sponsors of terrorism" list.

They want to try to convince policy-makers that banks are refusing to do business with the Castro regime because of its terrorism listing.  Of course, policy-makers know this is not the case -- so it's unlikely they will fall for Castro's blackmail.

And, as we predicted in November, once the Castro regime begins to feel the cash-crunch from a downturn in U.S. travelers, it will accept a workable solution -- particularly as its Venezuelan piggy bank is looking more unstable by the day.

In the meantime, the Castro regime is giving its lobbyists, propagandists and spies some time to execute their strategy.  

The short-wave codes from Havana must be a-buzzing (see here for more context).

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