viernes, febrero 14, 2014

Book release: "CUCHO: A Journey from Cuba to Freedom"

The story of Louis “Cucho” Balart, a Cuban refugee and New Orleans resident, and his journey filled with sacrifice, dedication and love is finally being told in the novel “CUCHO: A Journey from Cuba to Freedom.” The author and Baton Rouge-native Edward Rispone will be hosting a book release celebration on Feb. 16 at 3 p.m. at Austin’s Restaurant in Metairie.
Rispone met Cucho 12 years ago and was immediately intrigued by stories of the challenges and fears that the Cuban refugee had overcome.
“One conversation after another, I found that he was so fascinating, and he had such a grasp on history; I knew we need to document the way he grew up and how he could articulate history and remember things. It keeps you endlessly interested,” Rispone said. “The book not only delivers a fascinating story, but also has important messages from throughout history, with him having experienced losing his freedom in Cuba, and then finding freedom in America.”
As a young and prominent practicing physician in Cuba, Cucho struggled for freedom under Fidel Castro’s revolutionary take-over and grew fearful for his family’s safety. After bravely deciding to flee from his country to the United States, he found that he was unable to pursue his profession because American laws would not let foreign-educated doctors take the bar exam, even though he had previously practiced medicine in Cuba. Not to be discouraged, Cucho put all of his efforts into changing the laws in America and eventually received his license to practice and even taught at the LSU Medical School.
After working together for two years, the book was finally ready for print in November. However, just days before its original release date, Cucho passed away at the age of 92.
“Everyone was devastated when he passed, but we celebrated his life, because his life was the gift that he gave to everyone,” Rispone said.
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