lunes, enero 27, 2014

Why the OAS is Irrelevant Today

Answer: Because its Secretary General, Jose Miguel Insulza, is sadly unwilling or incapable of defending the goals and principles of the Organization American States' ("OAS") founding Charter and Inter-American Democratic Charter.

On his way to Havana for the CELAC Summit, Insulza said he would not meet with any Cuban dissidents because he didn't want to offend the Castro dictatorship.

"I don't want to provoke any problem or situation that can be uncomfortable for anyone, for I don't think it corresponds to me," said Insulza.

Sorry, Mr. Insulza, but defending fundamental rights, freedom and representative democracy, which are the very core of the OAS's goals and principles, does correspond to you.

If you are unwilling or incapable of defending them, perhaps you should step down from your plum job.

Or U.S. taxpayers should stop subsidizing your salary.

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