lunes, enero 06, 2014

Steven Seagal May Run for Arizona Governor to Secure Border

Steven Seagal is a 61-year-old actor and member of Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio's civilian "posse" who says he is ready to run for Arizona governor on a platform of increasing border security.

Seagal has been deputized "with sheriff's offices in New Mexico, Texas, and Louisiana."  
According to CBS Las Vegas, the actor spent a lot of time with Arpaio while filming "Steven Seagal--Lawman: Maricopa County," and emerged from that thinking about the need to secure the border. He says he discussed his thoughts on a gubernatorial bid with Arpaio but did not provide details of that discussion.
If Seagal does run for statewide office, he has a long history of seeming exaggeration and odd behavior he will have to explain to voters. Vice has a list of Seagal's more outrageous statements which may escaped the attention of many TV viewers and Arizona voters. These include his claim to have "trained CIA operatives," to speak "four languages fluently," and being "clairvoyant... a healer."

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