sábado, enero 25, 2014

Is Al-Qaeda Laundering Funds Through Cuba?

Yesterday, the Castro regime decreed that it would now begin to freeze bank assets affiliated to Al-Qaeda in Cuba.

That raises important questions:

What took it so long?

Is this a tacit admission that it has been facilitating terrorist financing all along?

Has Al-Qaeda been laundering funds through Cuba's secretive banking system for the last two decades?

What about other terrorist groups?

Hadn't "experts" assured us that Castro had long given up these activities?

Where's the oversight?

Why should we trust Castro's regime now, let alone it's non-transparency?

According to the Castro regime, this new decree supposedly demonstrates its "commitment in the fight against money laundering, financing terrorism and the proliferation of weapons."

So says the regime that was recently caught red-handed lying to the international community about its illegal proliferation of weapons to North Korea.

Old habits die very hard. 

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