jueves, enero 09, 2014

Fraternal Order of Police: Obama DOJ Nominee Is Cop-Killer Mumia Abu-Jamal Supporter

President Barack Obama has drawn harsh criticism from law enforcement representatives by nominating Debo Adegbile to head the Department of Justice Civil Rights Division as Assistant U.S. Attorney General. 

The 330,000-member Fraternal Order of Police slammed the nomination, referring to Adegbile as a volunteer supporter and defender of convicted Black Panther and cop-killer Wesley Cook—better known as Mumia Abu-Jamal, the world’s most notorious unrepentant cop-killer.
Fraternal Order of Police President Chuck Canterbury penned a January 6, 2014 letter to the President that reads:

Debo Adegbile/ www.latimes.com
As word of this nomination spreads through the law enforcement community, reactions range from anger to incredulity. Under this nominee’s leadership, the Legal Defense Fund (LDF) of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People volunteered their services to represent Wesley Cook, better known to the world as Mumia Abu-Jamal — our country’s most notorious cop-killer. There is no disputing that Philadelphia Police Officer Daniel Faulkner was murdered by this thug. His just sentence — death — was undone by your nominee and others like him who turned the justice system on its head with unfounded and unproven allegations of racism.
The Fraternal Order of Police did not stop there. Its scathing critique of President Obama’s nominee and its effort to defend the honor of slain police offer Daniel Faulkner continued:
We are aware of the tried and true shield behind which activists of Adegbile’s ilk are wont to hide — that everyone is entitled to a defense; but surely you would agree that a defense should not be based on falsely disparaging and savaging the good name and reputation of a lifeless police officer. Certainly any legal scholar can see the injustice and absence of ethics in this cynical race-baiting approach to our legal system.
The Fraternal Order of Police also claimed in its letter to President Obama that he did not consult any known law enforcement organization about his decision to nominate Adegbile as an assistant U.S. attorney general.
The widow of slain Officer Daniel Faulkner operates a website as part of her fight to defend the honor of her husband. Multiple witnesses from the hospital where Cook was treated after he killed the young Officer Faulkner, both white and black, testified in court that Cook stated, “I shot the motherf**ker and I hope the motherf**ker dies.”

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