martes, diciembre 03, 2013

Will Obama’s 3rd term be granted by the ‘Me First Generation’?
In a world where the New York Times can posit that the ‘Knockout Game’ Trend has no import—and gets away with it—no one can know the future, but with the way things are going it is only commonsense to worry your way into trying to do something about it.
People old enough to remember 70 years of Communism in the Soviet Union and its satellites before communism made its hurried move for a safe North America landing,  stand their ground against the misery of Marxism planned for America by President Barack Obama.  But young people, who now over populate the ‘Me First Generation’ stand down against the advance of Marxism in the country they call home.
For millions, who spent a lifetime fighting the good fight against soul-killing Communism and its first cousins Marxism and Socialism, the possibility of Obama serving a third term tops the ‘Worst That Could Ever Happen’ list.
On the Baby Boomer set being the ones to blame for the lethargic response to the horrors now unfolding daily in America, I have the cheek to humbly disagree with the great writer P.J. O’Rourke, who wrote in his Saturday column, The Boomer Bust:
“We are the generation that changed everything. Of all the eras and epochs of Americans, ours is the one that made the biggest impression—on ourselves. That’s an important accomplishment, because we’re the generation that created the self, made the firmament of the self, divided the light of the self from the darkness of the self, and said, “Let there be self.” If you were born between 1946 and 1964, you may have noticed this yourself.
It wasn’t only the Baby Boomers who twice allowed the fox into America’ chicken coop.  And if the young ‘Me First Generation’ doesn’t join their parents and grandparents in the fight to save America, the fox will never be tossed out of the chicken coop.
We’re late into the night edging towards the top of the ‘Worst That Could Ever Happen List’.
Canada Free Press (CFP) letter writer, Bruce Butler from Englewood, Florida, who writes “the trial balloons are floating” hits the nail on the proverbial head with today’s wake up call:
“The trial balloons are floating. They were launched over the weekend. First by the President when he suggested that he might remain in Washington, DC after 2016 so his girls wouldn’t have to change schools. Second by one Jonathan Zimmerman, a history Professor writing in the NY Post who opined that Obama needs a third term.”
Obama is the undisputed leader of the ‘Me First Generation’.  It is not hard to believe the self-centered community organizer, who went on to become America’s most destructive wrecking ball,  would justify going for a third term if only, (God forbid!) so his daughters wouldn’t have to change schools.
We should all take Butler’s warning that “these are not random happenings” to heart:
“These are not random happenings. They are another attempt to further the liberal agenda. There is still work to be done before the total transformation is complete. And, as usual with this regime, they test us out to see how far we will be pushed.
“We will hear more rumblings, especially if the Republicans get a majority of the Senate seats and retain the House next year. Every remark and every move by the President, Harry Reid or Nancy Pelosi should be considered to be designed to sustain their agenda. Americans are not accustomed to being suspicious of their leaders.
This could easily lead to our downfall.
Ask anyone you know from Cuba.”
Amen, Brother Butler, Amen.

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