viernes, diciembre 13, 2013

The Cubanization of Venezuela: Drug Trafficking with Terrorist Organizations | Babalú Blog

The evidence is clear that Cuba's Castro dictatorship has for decades engaged in drug trafficking, aiding and abetting terrorist organizations, and in some cases, combing both heinous crimes. Now, they are doing the same thing with their newest colony, Venezuela.
Venezuela arranged drug trafficking access for Salvadoran FMLN
José Luis Merino, a leader of the left-wing Salvadoran political party, arranged a drug lord’s meeting with the Colombian FARC on a flight coordinated with the office of Ven

Two months before the presidential elections in El Salvador, new links between the Farabundo Marti National Liberation Front (FMLN) and international drug trafficking have come to light. After chavista aid failed to secure the Honduran presidency for the Zelayas two weeks ago, the reelection of the ruling FMLN would entail a radicalization of the political environment in El Salvador and its integration into the Bolivarian Alliance for the Americas (ALBA), the international bloc promoted by the populist left in Caracas. Honduras and El Salvador are crucial transit points for the flow of drugs stemming from Colombia and Venezuela on its way to Mexico and the United States.
As new evidence reveals, when Nicolás Maduro occupied the post of Venezuelan Foreign Minister he worked to improve the FMLN’s access to drug trafficking. An email intercepted by foreign intelligence personnel shows the exchanges between Maduro’s office and that of FMLN strongman José Luis Merino, when they were trying to establish the details of a drug kingpin’s trip to Venezuela’s border with Colombia.
The email stated: “Brother! This is a request that we have made so that you can give us a hand with the flight permit. Comandante Ramiro [Merino’s alias] asks that you confirm with Nicolás the visit to Apure. Greetings.” The email listed the aircraft that would be used, and its passenger, Roberto Adamo, an individual linked by the FBI to the Calabrian mafia and narcotrafficking. The email was sent on March 4, 2011, by Erick Vega, Merino’s assistant, to Gustavo Vizcaino who was working with Maduro at the Foreign Ministry and who continues to work for Maduro in the presidency.
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