miércoles, diciembre 11, 2013

Ted Cruz Walks Out During Raul Castro Speech at Mandela Funeral


On Tuesday, after President Barack Obama shook hands with Cuban dictator Raul Castro, Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) reportedly walked out of Nelson Mandela's memorial service when Raul Castro was speaking. 

A Cruz spokesperson told Newsmax that Cruz believes "Castro has wrongly imprisoned and tortured countless innocents" and that Castro "learns from Mandela."
"Just as Mandela was released after 27 years in prison, Castro should finally release his political prisoners; he should hold free elections, and once and for all set the Cuban people free," the spokesperson said. 
Cruz's father, Rafael, is from Cuba, and he came to the United States before Raul's brother--Fidel Castro--came to power in 1959.

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