sábado, diciembre 21, 2013

Mariah Carey Performs for Dictator of Angola paid $1million, Won't Apologize

Don't expect Mariah Carey to apologize for her $1 million gig performing in front of a dictator accused of ordering the execution of his political enemies.

The Human Rights Foundation blasted Carey earlier this week for singing for the Angolan Red Cross, connecting the event to both Angolan leader Jose Eduardo dos Santos and his daughter.
Carey's manager, Jermaine Dupri, told the New York Post that his client has nothing to be sorry about, especially given the actions of the current White House occupant.
The president of the United States took pictures with this guy’s daughter and congratulated this man on his many years of being in office. If he can rub shoulders with these people than why is Mariah Carey be accused of doing something wrong?”
When asked if Carey was remorseful for performing for another dictator after she apologized for her 2008 concert for Libyan Dictator Moammar Khadafy and promised “to take more responsibility” for her bookings, he spat back “Why should she be?
During the concert Carey cooed, "I am happy to be here in this room and I am honored to share this show with the President of Angola." Dupri said his client didn't know the Angolan leader was present at the time.
HRF President Thor Halvorssen railed against Dupri's response to his organization's critique, according to the Post.
Dupri exemplifies the hypocrisy, the greed, and the willful ignorance of managers and performers who pose for photos at human rights events one day and accept copious amounts of blood diamond money on the next day.

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