miércoles, diciembre 04, 2013

Judge Allows Obama's Illegal Immigrant Uncle to Remain in U.S.

B 4 Dec 2013,

An immigration judge allowed President Barack Obama's illegal immigrant uncle, who had been ordered to be deported and arrested for drunk driving, to remain in the United States on Tuesday.

U.S. Immigration Judge Leonard Shapiro ruled that Onyango “Omar” Obama, a "69-year-old Kenyan who has been living in the US for some 50 years," could remain in the United States based on "a federal immigration law that allows people who have lived in the US since prior to 1972 to apply for residency."
According to the Boston Globe, Onyango Obama actually took the stand and "contradicted the White House’s assertion that the president had never met his uncle. Obama testified that his nephew lived with him in Cambridge for three weeks while the future president was a student at Harvard Law School in the late 1980s."
“Thank you, Your Honor,” Onyango Obama reportedly said after the ruling.
Onyango Obama reportedly came to the United States in 1963 with the help of Obama's late father on a student visa. Like nearly 40% of illegal immigrants in the country today, he overstayed his visa that expired in 1970. 
Obama "was ordered deported in 1986 and 1989 and then lost his appeal in 1992." But he never left the country. In addition, Onyango Obama "was arrested for drunken driving in 2011" in Massachusetts. After that arrest, he reportedly said, “I think I will call the White House.” 
The government watchdog organization Judicial Watch obtained various documents under the Freedom of Information Act that revealed not only the prior deportation rulings but also showed that the Obama administration may have stonewalled an investigation into Onyango Obama's immigration status and the status of his case. 
According to the Globe, Shapiro is the "same immigration judge who approved an asylum request for Onyango’s sister, Zeituni, in 2010."

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