viernes, noviembre 08, 2013

Underground Tesla coil static vacuum thing could suck up smog or zap it out of the sky or something : TreeHugger
The smog problem in China is horrific. Air quality is so poor in some cities that people mistake the thick air pollution for snow. Residents complain about rarely even seeing the sun.
A good solution, of course, would be to stop burning coal, but until that happens, other solutions are needed and designer Daan Roosegaarde may have come up with a revolutionary idea.
Using copper coils buried underground, the device would create an electrostatic field, which would attract smog particles down from the sky, similarly to how hair is attracted to a balloon.
He describes the ideas as a "electronic vacuum cleaner" and Gizmodo calls it a "smog-devouring vacuum", but I like to think of it more as an underground Tesla coil that gently zaps pollution particles out of the sky. Zap!
Keep reading on TreeHugger >>

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