martes, noviembre 26, 2013

Obama’s Guantánamo closers make secret trip to prison camps, condemn status quo

The two men charged with emptying the prison camps at Guantánamo of the last 164 captives visited the U.S. Navy base in southeast Cuba on Monday and issued a strong rebuke of the status quo.
“For us, it is not merely about treating detainees humanely, it is about ensuring that our operations reflect the values for which America stands,” said Paul Lewis, the Pentagon’s new special envoy for the closure of Guantánamo who traveled to the base Monday with his State Department counterpart for secret meetings at the prison camps.
The mostly U.S. Army, 2,100-strong staff of the prison camp compound that holds the last 164 captives, just six of them facing war crimes trial, soldier at the base under the motto of “Safe, Humane, Legal and Transparent” detention. After Monday’s mission to the camps, the military had no comment on the visit in which Lewis adapted the motto to argue it was time to put the prison camp out of business.

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