jueves, noviembre 21, 2013

Brush with Oswald lingers for local man

Bern Rotman, a TV reporter in New Orleans in the early 1960s, at his home Wednesday Nov. 20, 2103, in Niskayuna, NY. (John Carl D'Annibale / Times Union)
The guy who called assignment editor Bern Rotman at WDSU-TV, Channel 6, in New Orleans on Aug. 14, 1963, said he represented Fair Play for Cuba and that he would be demonstrating in front of the city's World Trade Mart the next day because Fidel Castro "is getting a raw deal."
He identified himself as Lee Harvey Oswald.
The brief conversation and an encounter two days later at the TV station was a random brush with the infamy of the JFK assassination for Rotman, of Niskayuna. The accidental Oswald connection earned Rotman a visit from FBI agents and a footnote in the Warren Commission Report.
"He was an oddball," recalled Rotman, 80, who retired in 1996 as director of the radio and TV unit for the state Department of Commerce, where he worked for 21 years under three governors. "I would have completely forgotten about Oswald if it weren't for the assassination."
Rotman was reminded of the chance meeting following extensive stories in advance of the 50th anniversary of the assassination of President John F. Kennedy on Nov. 22, 1963 in Dallas.
Fifty years ago, Rotman wasn't convinced Oswald merited coverage, but he told reporter Michael Alla to swing past the World Trade Mart on his way to do a story at City Hall.
Alla called Rotman on a two-way radio to report that Oswald was the lone protester, holding a homemade sign that read Fair Play for Cuba, and walking back and forth on the sidewalk. "We may not even use it, but shoot a minute of film just in case," Rotman radioed back.
That afternoon, Oswald called Rotman to say someone grabbed his sign, there was a brief scuffle and he was arrested by New Orleans police after passers-by became agitated over Oswald's presence.
"I called the cops and they said the guy was a kook," Rotman recalled.
Nonetheless, for that evening's newscast, Rotman used the Oswald protest footage as a "kicker" to end the newscast. "I figured it was kind of a man bites dog story," he said.
The next morning, Aug. 16, Rotman called Oswald back and asked him to come in to the station to record an interview, this time with audio and video. He assigned reporter Bill Slatter, who did a brief interview with Oswald.
Rotman showed Oswald around the newsroom, and the slight man with a faint Texas accent acted oddly. "He spoke in a kind of robotic tone and spouted Marxist doctrine like he had just read it in a book. He was strange and stilted," Rotman said. He did not mention JFK. Oswald left and they never heard of him again in New Orleans.
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