jueves, noviembre 21, 2013

Bill de Blasio and Lee Harvey Oswald

David Lawrence

On Saturday night, I watched "As It Happened: John F. Kennedy" on Channel 2.  Dan Rather said that Lee Harvey Oswald, an admirer of Russia and Fidel Castro's Cuba, killed Kennedy.

Well, look whom New Yorkers have voted in now.  Bill de Blasio, just like Oswald, is an admirer of Russia and Castro's Cuba.  He joyfully visited both, honeymooning in the latter.  Add in Nicaragua for good measure.

Now, I don't think that De Blasio is an assassin.  He will never kill anyone.  The deaths will be the accidental result of his softness on crime and his progressive clichés.  They will be consequential. 

His philosophical equivalent, Sarah Scheindlin, has criticized stop-and-frisk, and gun violence has already gone up.  It seems that people like De Blasio and Scheindlin, who seem to want to do good, trip over their own feet and injure others.  Their means are civilized, but their ends are disastrous.

De Blasio seems to like the communist system enough to have vacationed there more than once.  Communism is like De Blasio's hatred of stop-and-frisk.  It is empathetic toward the dangerous people yet crushes the peaceful citizens.  It promises fairness toward everyone while it hurts the general population.

It favors government over individuals.  And it has not worked out in any country.  It lowers the standard of living and reduces civil rights.

I'm sure Sarah Scheindlin and De Blasio have good intentions.  I'm sure Karl Marx did, too.  Did he know that his ideas would lead to Stalin? 

De Blasio does not want his son, Dante, stopped and frisked.  He does not have the foresight to see that a local killer who is not stopped and frisked might kill his son.

Which is more important?  A pat-down or a shooting?  Does De Blasio have any concern for his family or other people's sons?  Or is he only coldly political?

Will his election be scattered with the corpses of victims who could have been saved?  I see through De Blasio's happy speeches to death in the streets.

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