domingo, octubre 27, 2013

The Imprisoned Cuban Rapper Jay-Z Ignored is Gravely Ill

During Jay-Z's highly publicized vacation in Cuba earlier this year, we continuously urged the celebrity rapper to make a statement -- or at least inquire -- about the well-being of his imprisoned Cuban colleague, Angel Yunier Remon.

However, helping the Cuban people was not part of Jay-Z's "people-to-people" itinerary.  Instead, he stayed at the Cuban military's luxury hotels and partied at its restaurants and nightclubs.

Today, Yunier's life is at risk.

Cuban dissident rapper Angel Yunier Remon, whose stage name is "el Critico del Arte" (the 'Art Critic'), was attacked with tear gas and arrested on March 21st, 2013, for his criticism of the Castro regime.

In prison -- where he is being held without charges or trial -- Yunier has been continuously beaten, contracted various diseases and is being held naked in a punishment cell.

He has begun a hunger strike to protest his cruel and arbitrary imprisonment.

Yunier is on his sixth day without food or water.

Who will speak out for the life of this outspoken and courageous Cuban rapper?

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