martes, octubre 29, 2013

Sean Penn: Commit Ted Cruz, Tea Party Pols by Executive Order


Sean Penn cares, deeply, for Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) and his fellow Tea Party members. It's why the Oscar winner wants Cruz and co. committed to a mental asylum.

Penn shared his views on the Tea Party during Monday's edition of the low-rated Piers Morgan Live on CNN
I think they have -- there's a mental health problem in Congress,” Penn said. “This would be solved by committing them by executive order, I think. Because these are our American brothers and sisters, we shouldn't be criticizing them, attacking them … this is a cry for help.
“You literally commit what, people like Ted Cruz?” asked Morgan.
“He is my American brother,” the actor said. “I think we should take care of him, he is in trouble.”
Morgan did not challenge Penn's assertion or ask any follow-up questions as even a third-rate journalist might. Instead, Morgan chuckled like a school girl sitting atop a whoopee cushion.

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