sábado, octubre 26, 2013

Revealed: U.S. investigators questioned Fidel Castro over JFK's assassination

The Warren Commission sent an investigator to quiz Castro over JFK's assassination - but he denied being a part of it, a new book has revealed
Cuban dictator Fidel Castro was questioned by the Warren Commission after President John F. Kennedy was assassinated, a new book has revealed.
The previously-undisclosed meeting between a U.S. investigator and the Cuban president after the November 1963 killing has been shared in 'A Cruel and Shocking Act: the Secret History of the Kennedy Assassination' by Philip Shenon, a former investigative reporter for the New York Times.
It reveals that the commission investigating the death in Dallas, Texas sent an investigator to waters off Cuba and took Castro out in a U.S. Navy boat and then onto a yacht.
Before the meeting, Castro had expressed interest in speaking with the commission, Bob Schieffer explained on CBS' Face of the Nation as he discussed the book.

Questions: Following the assassination of President John F. Kennedy, U.S. investigators questioned Fidel Castro (right, pictured in 2004) over what he knew about the death but he said he had nothing to do with it

'The investigator gets off the boat, talks to Castro, they talk for three hours,' he explained. 'Castro says - as you would expect - "No way, no how did I have anything to do with it".'
Schieffer, who called the book 'magnificent', noted that the investigator sent to speak with Castro was William Coleman, who later became secretary of transportation in Gerald Ford's administration.
He was sent because he had actually met the dictator while he was on his honeymoon in Harlem and they had shared a love of jazz music. Although they weren't friends, they did know each other, and it was for this reason that Coleman was sent, CBS reported.
In the book, which is out October 29, Shenon doesn't dispute the Warren Commission's conclusion that Lee Harvey Oswald worked alone when he murdered Kennedy on November 22, 1963.
Questions: William Coleman (pictured in 1976 when he became the US Secretary of State for Transport)

Probe: U.S. investigator William Coleman (left in 1976 when he became the US Secretary of State for Transport) was sent to waters off Cuba to meet Castro (pictured in 1964) because they had previously met in Harlem

Moments from tragedy: President Kennedy and his wife smile at crowds from their motorcade in Dallas, Texas just moments before he was shot on November 22, 1963. Castro said he knew nothing of the plot
Moments from tragedy: President Kennedy and his wife smile at crowds from their motorcade in Dallas, Texas just moments before he was shot on November 22, 1963. Castro said he knew nothing of the plot
Instead, he underlines that there's no evidence to suggest there was a conspiracy or anybody else involved, despite numerous claims to the contrary.
It also comes after retired CIA analyst Brian Latell claimed in a book last year that Oswald told Cuban intelligence officers that he had planned to kill Kennedy.
'Fidel knew of Oswald's intentions - and did nothing to deter the act,' he wrote.
He wrote that a Cuban spy defector told him that on November 22, 1963, he was told to gather any intelligence coming from Texas - and within three hours he learned that the president had been shot.
The defector told a CIA debriefer: 'Castro knew. They knew Kennedy would be killed.'
Accused: Lee Harvey Oswald, pictured in the Dallas police station, was arrested for the shooting but before he could stand trial, he was shot by a club owner while he was being moved to a jail
Accused: Lee Harvey Oswald, pictured in the Dallas police station, was arrested for the shooting but before he could stand trial, he was shot by a club owner while he was being moved to a jail
The Warren Report denied that anyone else was involved and instead only Oswald, a former Marine who had defected to the Soviet Union, was arrested for the death.
He denied any role in the assassination. Two days after his arrest, he was shot dead by nightclub owner Jack Ruby as he was transferred from police headquarters to jail.

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2477048/Revealed-U-S-investigators-questioned-Fidel-Castro-JFKs-assassination.html#ixzz2ipcQWBLf

Fidel Castro questioned about JFK assassination, book claims

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