miércoles, octubre 09, 2013

Exposing the CFR’s radical Castro sympathizer Julia Sweig

It took longer than it should have, but we are happy to see that Julia Sweig, a radical Castro sympathizer with dubious ties to Cuban intelligence is finally being exposed all over the country. Of course, all of this information has been readily available for years after being meticulously documented by Cuban American intransigent hardliners such as our own Humberto Fontova.
Exposure of Radical CFR Latin America Boss Offers Broad Insight
The infamous global government-promoting Council on Foreign Relations is under fire again after its director of Latin American studies, Julia Sweig, was exposed thanking convicted terrorists in her book, calling for more brazen attacks on the Second Amendment, and having myriad close associations with Castro’s brutal communist dictatorship ruling over Cuba. Some prominent analysts, even a former military official charged with tracking Cuban-regime spies, have suggested that Sweig is actually an “agent of influence” for the autocracy in Havana. The implications are enormous.
For one, the fact that the immensely powerful CFR would employ Sweig sheds additional light on the organization, as well as on various disturbing trends that The New American magazine has been highlighting for years — particularly the ongoing takeover of Latin America by a closely knit network of autocratic, Castro-friendly socialist regimes and forces. This network, the Foro de São Paulo (FSP or São Paulo Forum), now dominates regional politics south of the U.S. border. It was founded by despot Fidel Castro, former Brazilian President Luiz Inacio “Lula” da Silva, the Sandinistas, and an array of Marxist narco-terrorist groups.
The U.S. government, meanwhile, which according to then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton actually gets its orders from the CFR, has been linked to the so-called “pink tide” in more than a few ways. Among them: concealing the resurgence of communism in Latin America and overtly aiding some of the regimes at the heart of the FSP with billions of American tax dollars. Indeed, analysts say the Obama administration and previous administrations have been crucial to letting the Communist Chinese and Russian-backed dictatorial network expand its power unmolested.
Details about Sweig, who also serves as the CFR’s “Nelson and David Rockefeller Senior Fellow for Latin America Studies,” were reported most recently by Charles Johnson at the online Daily Caller in an explosive article headlined "‘Nation’s most influential foreign-policy think tank’ employs pro-terrorist Castro follower." However, as far back as 2010, prominent analysts, such as author and Cuban exile Humberto Fontova, who wrote The Longest Romance: The Mainstream Media and Fidel Castro, were publicly exposing the scandalous revelations.
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