miércoles, octubre 09, 2013

Exclusive–Bolton: Iran Nuclear Proposal 'Complete Bullsh--'


Former UN Ambassador John Bolton told Breitbart News late Tuesday evening that the new nuclear proposal being offered by the Iranian regime is "complete bullsh--" and "pure propaganda" to buy time. 

Under the proposal, according to the Wall Street Journal, Iran would stop enriching uranium to 20% levels, but would continue enriching uranium up to 5% levels. It would also consider closing its Fordow enrichment facility, buried deep inside a mountain near the city of Qom, which was kept secret from the world until 2009, and would permit international inspectors to conduct more extensive examinations of nuclear sites.
In return, the international community would agree to lift economic sanctions that are hurting Iran's economy. The UN Security Council powers, plus Germany (the P+5 group), made a similar offer in April.
Bolton dismissed the proposal as a ploy to allow Iran to reach the threshold of a nuclear weapon, which it could cross at will. In an exclusive interview with Breitbart News in New York, he said: "This Iran deal is complete bullshit. Pure propaganda. The time it takes to go from 20% enrichment to full weaponization is two weeks. They are not supposed to do any enrichment, but Obama already conceded that."
The proposal is could also divide the U.S. and Israel. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has objected to any enrichment of uranium by Iran, in accord with UN Security Council resolutions. He has also cast doubt on Iran's diplomatic offensive, and told the UN on Oct. 1 that Israel reserved the right to act alone. President Barack Obama has led global efforts to improve relations with the Iranian regime.

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