martes, septiembre 17, 2013

Over 30 Cuban Dissidents Arrested in Police Raid

The Castro regime seems particularly concerned about the support Cuba's democracy activists are receiving from their neighbors.

From The Miami Herald:

More than 30 Cuban dissidents detained after raid

Cuban security agents detained more than 30 democracy activists and broke furniture and other items in a house where the dissidents were hosting a pig roast for their neighbors, dissidents said Monday.

"They broke everything, the bathroom, the television, the refrigerator," said Mileidis Maceo, owner of the home in the eastern town of Palmarito de Cauto, Cuba, and member of the dissident Patriotic Union of Cuba, or UNPACU. "They broke things just to break things."

Maceo said her husband, Yasmanis Magana Diaz, is one of the two people still detained after Sunday's raid. Police have said they will be charged with resisting the raid. The rest of the dissidents had been released by Sunday night.

About 30 members of UNPACU and the Ladies in White had gathered in Maceo's home to host the dinner when State Security agents and a police riot squad raided the home, said Jose Daniel Ferrer, executive secretary of UNPACU.

Neighbors have been very supportive of the democracy activists in recent months, and the dissidents had organized the pig roast as a "fraternal dinner, not a political event," to thank them, said Ferrer.

Police threw the pig on the floor, broke up or tipped over furniture, then punched, and carted off about 25 of the dissidents in the house, Ferrer said. They later arrested more than another 15 dissidents and neighbors as they arrived or watched the raid.

Security agents retreated when neighbors complained as they were about to detain a young man who had criticized the arrests as abusive but returned later with reinforcements, many of them members of the local Communist Party, Ferrer said.

About 20 of the detainees were later put aboard a bus and dropped off in remote spots, he added. All but two of the others were freed within the village by nightfall.

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