viernes, septiembre 06, 2013

'Dreamer' Website Teaches Illegal Immigrants 'How To Lie Successfully'

If you're an illegal immigrant worried about being caught, help is only a mouse click away. An article from the radical website will give you a quick lesson on how to lie about your status. It's all part of the aggressive pro-illegal immigration 'Dreamer movement' that is leading the fight for "comprehensive" immigration reform, with a boost from President Barack Obama and many in Congress.

The "Dreamers" are illegal immigrants who were brought into the country by their parents. They've become the darlings of the media, garnering both positive press and an executive order by President Obama in 2012, offering them legal status if they met certain requirements and paid a $465 fee. Even that controversial end-run around Congress, however, wasn't enough for the Dream activists as they pursued an agenda that rejects the idea of borders and deportation entirely.
The theatrical direct-actions of the Dreamers have intensified in recent months, including the 'Dream 9' activists who went to Mexico and then came back into the United States using an asylum claim. The avowed and proud illegal immigrants have used in-your-face social justice tactics for years, however, showing a dedication and a long-term view that opponents of amnesty would do well to note.
The Dreamer movement has been pushing the edge of the envelope in both their goals and tactics. They are gaining ground. The ACLU recently called Dreamers 'the face of immigration reform movement' and wrote:
But as important as their stories have been to the immigration reform movement, we can't lose sight of the critical organizing DREAMers have been engaged in for years, pushing not only for the DREAM Act, but also for creating an environment where voices as disparate as Richard Blumenthal (D-Conn.) and Orrin Hatch (R-Utah) can vote "Yes" to move sweeping immigration reform legislation out of the Senate Judiciary Committee.
So, what sort of enviroment have they created? An example of the Dreamers long-term animosity towards any enforcement of immigration laws is a 2009 article on the site entitled Particulars and Universals #3: Tips on How to Lie Successfully.
The anonymous author of the article doesn't see a problem with the fact that illegal immigrants are violating the law. The problem is they aren't good at lying.
…many undocumented youths conceal their immigration status when faced with potentially awkward questions, but the problem is that they absolutely suck at it. When faced with an instance in which they have to lie, they come up with a myriad of half-hearted excuses that they think up on the spot.
In order to help solve the "problem" of bad lying, the Dream Activist site gives a few tips on lying more effectively. Tip #1 is 'Think up a lie beforehand', while Tip #3 is 'Be consistent.'
Create lies that are close to the truth and easy to keep track of. Think up lies that you know you can be absolutely consistent about. Write them down in a notepad if you must.
The article also suggests that illegal immigrants can 'pretend that you’re an international student who has been taking public education in the U.S. since elementary school.'
The article stresses 'this post is for tips on how to lie only to your friends and acquaintances' and suggests never lying to officials 'in writing' but also says:
I’d like to take a moment here and stress that not lying does not mean having to reveal the truth. You have the right to remain silent. In fact, do not confess that you’re undocumented if you’re approached by immigration officials; know your rights.
The author also says "I know that it’s a bit corruptive to give young people tips on how to lie well" but they justify it immediately by saying that illegal immigrants understandably want to lie so they don't 'feel very dispirited.'
The Dream Activist site was co-founded by Peruvian Maria Marroquin, self-indentifed Fijian law school graduate Prerna Lal, and Iranian gay activist Mohammad Abdollahi. The site says it 'would not be possible' without the help of people like Lizbeth Mateo, one of the 'Dream 9' Activists previously profiled by Breitbart News  for her claim to have been employed by a Washignton D.C. based community organizing group.

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