domingo, agosto 18, 2013

Wealthiest Cubans and Castro–“Same as it Ever Was…Same as it Ever Was!”/ Humberto Fontova

From Today's Miami Herald:
"One of the Fanjul brothers, Alfy, whose sugar empire in Cuba was expropriated by Fidel Castro and whose exile remake extends from Florida to Santo Domingo, has met in Havana with Cuban officials who want to engage exiles, according to media reports....Miami businessman Carlos Saladrigas has openly said he has investors ready to help fund the cuentapropistas, the new class of entrepreneur the Cuban government has licensed, with millions in micro-loans."
(Fanjul Brothers on Left; Carlos Saladrigas on right)
I now call your attention to some of the The Cuba Study Group's eminent members:
I now call your attention to some of the Cuba Study Groups eminent "Experts" (their term!)
Arturo Lopez-Levy, Marifeli Perez-Stable, Phil Peters, Julia Sweig and more.
A HIDEOUSLY(!!!) Politically IN-Correct new book by the publishers who also happen to publish the works of such as Judge Robert Bork, Prof. Thomas Sowell, Amb. John Bolton, Jean Francois Revel, etc. expose these "experts" as perhaps operating under other than purely scholarly motives. This book also rebutts (with full-documentation) the "expertise" of many of the media's eminent Cuba "experts" To wit:
From the eminently respectable The Atlantic magazine, by Julia Sweig's friend and CFR cohort Jeffrey Goldberg: "Batista, was a friend only to a handful of oligarchs and American mafia leaders.”
Front page news for these eminently "educated, respectable and influential" U.S. Cuba "experts": Cuba’s oligarchy in fact denied Fulgencio Batista admittance into their Havana Yacht Club and largely bankrolled his violent overthrow. From Cuba’s richest man, sugar magnate Julio Lobo, to Pepin Bosch of the Bacardi dynasty, and hundreds of oligarchs in-between, Castro’s July 26 Movement was funded by the very people the learned Mr Goldberg (Julia Sweig's friend) claims were Batista’s “friends.”
(Left: Julio Lobo, Right: Jose "Pepin" Bosch.)
Keep reading on  Babalú Blog >>

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