lunes, agosto 12, 2013

Evidence Indicates Human Presence in Cuba 8,000 Years Ago

The presence of humans in Cuba hypothetically dates from between 8,000 and 10,000 years ago, according to an archaeological census performed by the Anthropology Institute within the Cuban Science, Technology and Environment Ministry.
The data for the archaeological census has been collected for the past two years and is expected to wrap up in January 2014. It includes research done by experts, historians, archaeologists, institutions, hobbyists and the officials heading it, according to the state-run Prensa Latina news agency.
Archaeologist Jose Jimenez Santander and the head of the archaeology department at the Cuban institute of Anthropology, Alfonso Cordova, told Fox News Latino that so far more than 3,200 aboriginal archaeological sites have been located on the island.
Some of the sites found were tagged human dwelling because there was evidence of food, tools and trash, which all show that those sites were once ancient communities inhabited by humans.
"Others functioned as rest stops, since they are areas ... without evidence of prolonged habitation made by ... mobile communities that moved periodically but repeated their stays, as well as inhabited caves," Jimenez Santander said to Fox News Latino.
He also went on to say there are signs that indicate the use of caves for burials, ceremonies, cave painting sites, shell workshops to make vessels and other objects that further suggest the presence of humans. 

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