viernes, agosto 09, 2013

Concern Over Health and Safety of Cuban Political Prisoners


This week, there's been intensified concern over the health and safety of various Cuban political prisoners:

1. Sonia Garro is an Afro-Cuban member of The Ladies in White, who has been unjustly imprisoned since Pope Benedict XVI's trip to Havana on March 18th, 2012.  Independent journalists have reported that Garro was brutally beaten by guards this week in the Prison of El Guatao, where she is being held without trial or charges.

2. Angel Yunier Remon is a Cuban rapper, from the duo "The Kids Nobody Wanted," imprisoned for his critical lyrics. He has recently contracted cholera at the prison of Las Mangas in Bayamo and is very ill.

3. Angel Santiesteban is a renowned Cuban author, who was arbitrarily sentenced to a 5-year prison term in 2012.  This week, he was secretly transferred to a small military facility, where he is being held in complete isolation.

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