viernes, agosto 02, 2013

US Coast Guard repatriates 43 Cubans migrants

MIAMI (AP) — The U.S. Coast Guard has repatriated 69 migrants from Haiti and Cuba.
Twenty-six Haitian migrants were transported to Cap-Haitien, Haiti, on Thursday. Forty-three Cuban migrants were repatriated to Bahia de Cabañas, Cuba, on Tuesday.
Authorities said the migrants were interdicted at sea in five separate incidents.
Thousands of Cubans, Haitians and other migrants from the Caribbean and Latin America attempt to reach the U.S. through Caribbean waters each year. Cubans who arrive are generally allowed to stay under the "Wet-Foot, Dry-foot" police, while those stopped at sea are usually returned home.
Other Latino immigrants do not receive the same treatment.
Coast Guard Capt. Mark Fedor said the agency will continue to patrol the waters around the U.S. to deter illegal migrant activity.

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