sábado, agosto 24, 2013

Brazil: Prosecutor wants to investigate the Cuban doctors deal

Just the other day I was wondering what the back-room deals were; now a Brazilian prosecutor wants to check deal for 4,000 Cuban doctors, and not just any prosecutor but the chief prosecutor in the labor fraud section of the Office of the District Attorney:
One aspect of the agreement that raises “a very large legal uncertainty,” he said, is the use of the Pan American Health Organization, a Washington-based branch of the World Health Organization, as the financial middleman between the Brazilian and Cuba governments. Prosecutors also will check whether the contract means the Cubans will be paid less than the minimum required by Brazilian law, and whether the no-bid contract was properly awarded, Ramos Pereira was quoted as saying.
The slave labor deal so far is on
Although one senior Health Ministry official has been quoted as saying the Cubans will get the same salary they receive on the island, where salaries are much lower, Health Minister Alexandre Padilha has said it will be up to the Cuban government to decide how much it will pay to its personnel.
That’s $200/month.
Brazil will be paying Cuba $4,080/month for each of the doctors “and other health workers”.
Slavery by any other name is still slavery.

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