martes, julio 16, 2013

The FIU promotes itself for a post-Castro era in Cuba
the fiu's cuba think tank is so far away from the dynamic kubiche and / or are recycled former agents of Havana regime so that their judgments have  none market value beyond the anecdotal.
indigencia conceptual concreta, desfasaje temporal cronico, despiste exiliar y coqueteria [sino puteria] de matrona rancia y despechada.
Event information
Start: Tuesday, Jul. 30, 2013, 09:45AM
End: Tuesday, Jul. 30, 2013, 12:45PM
Venue: Modesto A. Maidique Campus, College of Business, Special Events Center, Room 233
The FIU Cuba Forum is an open discussion among FIU experts and the community regarding the appropriate role of FIU in a post-Castro Cuba. This discussion will serve as the first step in planning for FIU's participation in Cuba, once federal and state laws allow exchange, and the FIU Board of Trustees deems it appropriate.
The backdrop for the discussion will be a review conducted by renowned economist and Latin American Studies Professor Carmelo Mesa-Lago. His presentation will highlight opportunities and needs in Cuba as well as resources and strengths that FIU can bring to the table. The presentation will be followed by a panel discussion that includes key FIU faculty and administrators in areas such as business, engineering, hospitality, medicine, and international relations.
Mark Rosenberg, President, FIU
Carmelo Mesa-Lago, Consultant
Julia E. Sweig, Director for Latin America Studies, Council on Foreign Relations
Jorge Duany, Director, Cuban Research Institute, FIU
Luis Salas, Associate Vice President, Research, FIU
Panel Members:
Mike Hampton, Dean, Chaplin School of Hospitality and Tourism Management, FIU
Amir Mirmiran, Dean, College of Engineering and Computing, FIU
Frank Mora, Director, Latin American and Caribbean Center, FIU
Marifeli Pérez-Stable, Professor, Global & Sociocultural Studies, FIU
Monica Tremblay, Associate Professor, Decision Sciences and Information Systems, FIU
Inés R. Triay, Director, Applied Research Center, FIU
Fernando Valverde, Chief Executive Officer, HWCOM Health Care Network Faculty Group, FIU

Editor’s Note: Past reporting on Perez-Stable’s affiliation with Cuban Intelligence can be found here and Similarly, information of the major role of Cuban spies in Julia Sweig’s writing career can be found here:

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