martes, julio 23, 2013

Iran and Cuba Reinvigorate Ties

Hopefully, we've learned from the Cuba-North Korea arms smuggling affair that these meetings and statements aren't innocuous.

From Iran's state news agency, Fars:

Iran, Cuba Reiterate Further Consolidation of Ties

Iranian and Cuban officials in a meeting in Tehran on Tuesday underscored the two countries' enthusiasm for the further reinvigoration of bilateral relations and mutual cooperation.

"The Islamic Consultative Assembly (the Parliament) supports development and consolidation of all-out relations between the Islamic Republic of Iran and Cuba," Head of Iran-Cuba Parliamentary Friendship Group Abdolreza Mesri said in a meeting with Cuban Charge d'affaires David Paulovich Escalona in Tehran on Tuesday.

He also said that Iran and Cuba's abundant commonalities and their common positions and viewpoints on the international issues provide a good opportunity for the further expansion of ties between the two countries.

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